Welcome to Seikokan

About Seikokan
Seikokan started its business in 1707. Special carpenters mainlybuilt temples and Shinto shrines established the present building
in 1928. The owner of Seikokan at that time chose a high quality of
different timbers for the building.
This architect has been resistered as a national resistered tangible
culural property since March 2015.
Travellers stand in front of the building and look up at it for a while,
observing the white wall, old wooden framed windows, and roof tiles
that have withstood the heavy snow many a winter. The appearance
of the building is sedate and historical.
Our guest rooms were competitively created by special carpenters.
Each room has a different appearance, consisting of varied designs
at places. Those spaces contain both humour of the carpenters and
luxurious atmosphere. Their beautiful handy work has not faded, and
the breath of that older times still remains. They may remind some
guests of the good older days, sitting on tatami floor over tea. Others
may have impressions of completely new sense.
Guest rooms: 11 (9 w/private wash basins, 1 w/a private toilet
and wash basin)
Facilities: Two dining rooms, two onsen bathrooms, and a lounge.
No lift is available (only staircases)